It is three thirty on a monday afternoon as I board my yellow bus to go home after a day of school at Herbert Hoover Elementary. I walked through my front door, threw my blue butterfly backpack onto the hook, and ran directly up to my room. At the time, it could be more accurately referred to as my classroom. Inside yellow and blue painted walls with a chalkboard and cliche classroom posters, I taught my class of invisible students the exact same lesson Mrs. Molle taught that day in my first grade class. I have always aspired to be a teacher for as long as I can remember, and I have been working with children for most of my life. My mother owns a daycare that I help out with, I work at Sesame Place -- a park themed around Sesame Street for children, I work at a kids care daycare, and participate in the child development class at my high school. Although I am involved in many worth-while volunteer activities, my passion is for the ones that help elementary school children. …show more content…
. In high school I took the Family Consumer Science Major class. This class was dedicated to community service and I learned to care for others in my community. Our class worked closely with Woods Services; A school specifically for children with extraordinary disabilities and special needs. Each and every week the woods students visited our school, and we got the opportunity to interact with them. Throughout the day we made crafts, cooked, talked and laughed with them. Not only did it make their day to feel as though they lived a normal life for once, but it made my day to see the cheek to cheek smiles across each and every one of their faces. After spending time with the woods students, I realized that I want to spend the rest of my life working with children that have these special