When I was little I collected snowglobes. Now, I am trapped inside of a snow globe. A glass bubble that when lightly shaken suddenly releases millions of tiny particles of fake snow as they hectically float freely throughout the bubble. I live in a bubble called social media and the snow represents the millions of people that are constantly connected with me because of the snow cloud that sits in my hand, my phone.
Two days ago I dropped my phone on the ground and it shattered into tiny pieces until eventually, pieces of glass started falling out of my phone so my phone was not functioning at all. All of yesterday I was unable to use my phone which opened my eyes to see the world around me. As I was walking through the hallways I said hello to a greater amount of people than usual because I was …show more content…
Being so concentrated on documenting a moment does not allow you to savor it as much as you should. At school I participate in the Student Talent Under No Teacher Supervision also known as, STUNTS. It was opening of STUNTS and before every show there is a tradition where the whole cast and crew, which adds up to about 150 people, gets in a clump and jumps up and down as we chant a cheer. About half of the people there took out their phones to get it on video to upload it onto their snapchat story. Snapchat is an app in which you take pictures and videos to send to friends and a story is so everyone on your friends list. By taking out their cell phones they were completely distracted them from actually taking in that experience. I however, decided not to document this moment and use my senses in order to remember this which would be documented in my memory. By taking it in through my memory instead of a video I can think back to this event and think about how I felt instead of meaninglessly watching it on a screen. My life has been better when it is led rather than