Sitting down, we said a quick prayer thanking God for enabling us to climb all the way up the mountain and witnessing the beauty which he has bestowed on this Earth. I glanced down at my watch and jumped in disbelief. It was already 8:45 p.m. and the sun was going down fast.
“Um, guys? The sun is almost down, we better hurry.” Dynae stated.
We made a plan to stick together as we ran down the mountain. Jumping, sliding, and running, we rushed down the steep slope of the mountain side not caring what direction we were going as long as we were going down. Many times we had to skid to a stop in order to avoid plunging down forty foot cliffs. After what seemed like a minute, we were able to find the trail we came up on. The sun’s rays kept dwindling as we ran. We almost made it all the way down the mountain side when one of my cousins claimed that she found a shortcut. Following her, we soon found out the her shortcut, in fact, was not a shortcut. We soon found ourselves lost and unable to find a safe way down. Meanwhile, our parents started freaking out. Our mothers were in tears and we could hear them wailing from where we were. With no more sunlight to guide us, cautiously walking frantically trying to get out of the heavily forested area. We then saw a flickering light and immediately ran as fast as we could toward it. As we approached the light, we discovered that it was a complete stranger with a flashlight. Behind him was my parents. …show more content…
With this event, I should have thought of what could happen before I went up on the mountain. Doing this could have saved me from a lot of trouble. If I would have thought about the consequences of climbing all the way to the top of the mountain in the evening, without telling anyone, I would have not made the journey up the mountain. This event taught me that I need to consider the consequences before I do a potentially dangerous action. We were very lucky to make it up and back alive. Before climbing the rock walls without any form of a harness or any prior experience, I should have thought of the potential consequences. Thankfully, we were very lucky and suffered no