Personal Narrative: The Time I Went To Punta Cana

Improved Essays
The Time I Went to Punta Cana
Imagine landing at an airport that is all outside and has no inclosed area. Imagine landing in an airport that is basically all Tiki huts, but really it is an airport. Imagine getting off of the plane by using the stairs that lead to outside air and Imagine walking into 100 degrees, beautiful weather. This place I landed in was called Punta Cana.

When I was younger, I had always wanted to go to Punta Cana. Punta Cana was one of my dream places to visit and I finally did. Punta Cana was my favorite place i've been to ever and I really would love to visit again. When I found out we were going to Punta Cana for spring break, i have been so excited since the day I found out. It came the day before spring break and I was beyond excited to get out of school and get on the airplane the next day at 5:00 A.M. All I did when I got home was make sure I had everything I needed for Punta Cana and went to bed, knowing that in only a couple hours I was getting on a plane headed to Punta Cana.
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My sister, my mom, my grandparents, and my sisters friend were all coming with us, my sister got to bring a friend because it was her senior year and she gets to bring a friend since it was her last trip with all of us. “Come on!” my mom yelled at me and my mom waited for my sister and her friend to come downstairs to get in the cab. We were just barely running a little off schedule, but it was okay because we still made it to the airport in time to check in and do all the airport security,etc. The airport was the busiest I have ever seen it before! I bet a lot of people were just getting off of school and going on vacations just as we were doing the

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