Personal Narrative: Ryan Haack

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My love for music was always around since I was little. I always wanted to play the drums. When I got to high school, I was afraid that I wasn't going to be able to keep up with the drum line as a freshman. The complex rhythms were a bit overwhelming as a fourteen-year-old. That all changed with the helping hands of Ryan Haack. He showed me that while it was important to get better as a drummer, having fun and making memories was the most important thing to take away from high school. Ryan Haack was my role model as a drummer, a college student, and as a person. Ryan was one of the first person I was introduced to in high school. Everyone remembers being a freshman and trying not to do anything stupid in front of the upperclassmen. Unfortunately, …show more content…
I was extremely worried that band camp was going to be hell because of that one stupid comment I shouldn't have made. Luckily, Jack Vandervoort was the one who got roasted the most. He was the butt of every joke, so I slid under the seniors' roast radar for the most part. Although Ryan may seem a little hard on the outside, he's a really caring guy on the inside. On the first day of band camp, I couldn't even make it through the first set of warmups without sounding terrible and messing up a ton. Instead of getting irritated and making me figure it out on my own, he took his time to make sure I sounded good with the group. He would even stay after rehearsals to go over certain techniques with me that I hadn't been previously introduced to. He worked really hard his senior year to have a good sounding drum line. All of this hard work culminated to winning best drum line at many competitions. Moreover, we even beat Bellevue West, who's drum line …show more content…
He originally went into engineering. Engineering is a path that I'm strongly considering, so when I found out about him majoring in engineering, I instantly wanted to know more about ASU. I was so interested in the college that I took a trip to Phoenix with my friends Jake and Caleb. I definitely wasn't just going to see my sister at her college or anything. Upon arriving in Phoenix, Ryan must have seen a snapchat that I put on my story, because he hit me with the "ayy lmao what you doing on my turf," text. Eventually, Jake and I decided we'd head over to Tempe which is about a twenty-minute drive to visit him. Unfortunately for me, my sister and her boyfriend decided that tonight they needed the car. Despite this, Ryan went out of his way to come pick us up from Phoenix. Even though I hadn't seen Ryan in a couple years, we still shared a close enough bond to spend a whole night together. That really meant a lot to me and showed me how much he cared about maintaining our friendship. The whole drive to his apartment was filled with laughter and stories about the past, present, and plans for the future. Ryan showed me where all the good food was at, where all the hot chicks would be, where the best bangers would be held, and where to study of course. Jake and I got to know his roommates, and we went on a late night adventure to a mountain inside of a zoo. That's about all that I can

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