It takes me awhile to write because it is hard for me to take my thoughts and put them into words on a paper. Some of the essays I had to write, I enjoyed. But there was also essays I did not like at all. I don’t like to write about History. I am not good at it.…
When I was a child I always though about business. I wanted to know how things worked, how money worked. I started watching my grandfather write his invoices, deposit checks, talk to people as if he knew them but they had just met. I wondered how he did it, how he played his cards right and got people to hire him.…
My writing experience: I didn’t start to read until I was in first grade. Every week we would go to library to check-out two books and take a test on the books we read on a computer. Every day in English we read a short story to ourselves then we would play games dealing with the story to make it fun. To be honest I never really did a lot of writing in Elementary , Middle, or High school so I can’t pinpoint when I started writing. In essay writing I learned its always good to express yourself with your own opinion.…
My talent is creating, and my form of creating is writing. Writing is a thing I've been doing since I was in the seventh grade. I started writing then because of a troublesome past, both my mother and my father had left my two other siblings and I all alone, leaving us with our uncle. It was very hard for me to adjust, I was fatigued and emotionally hurt, I turned to writing. My love for writing grew into a bigger part of my life when I kept dream journals.…
I feel that I have improved in many skills throughout this course but also have many skills that I have found that I need to improve more. The skills that I have developed throughout the units of the course are my reading and writing. The skills that I still need improving still are my communication skills and my viewing skills. Firstly I have improved my reading skills.…
Adequate writing was always a struggle for me because I struggled with coming up with topics to write about. Even when teachers gave us prompts to write about I struggled writing about them mostly because I thought writing was boring. Another reason I was discouraged by writing was I would spend hours at a time trying to come up with ideas for a prompt and would barely come up with any ideas to write about. Being a civil engineering major I see why writing is so important in my career field. My experience with writing has had its good moments and its bad moments.…
The first time, I enrolled in this class, I felt excited knowing this class would help on my grammar, so I can become a better writer. My first thought that cross my mind was this was going to be easy and it was. My last experienced with writing and English was okay because I mainly get a B or a C, but rarely I would get an A. I always been having trouble with grammars. My high school English teachers taught us about grammars and how to become a better writer. It was similar to what you had taught us in class because we always learned about grammar out of a book and we got tested after we been practice.…
My writing process usually involves me prewriting, planning, drafting and then editing. I often try to revise the paper while I’m writing it, which often seems to create more problems as I stop my thought process on what I was writing and focus on something else. While this has slowed me down, it has never stopped me from finishing something. I have always had an easy time writing in an environment where I don’t have any tight restrictions and can write freely about ideas for characters, stories, and worlds. I usually have trouble coming up with the right words when I’m required to write about very specific topics or ideas.…
Who You Are As A Writer gave me the opportunity to truly discover what my writing process was. It wasn’t just a superficial overview of what it might be, it was an in-depth definitive assignment that showed me some of my weaknesses and strengths when it comes to writing. I had to identify what was hindering my writing and understand that maybe it was either time for me to adapt the rule to the situation at hand or get rid of it altogether. The first portion of Who You Are As A Writer, Portrait of a Writer, allowed me to think about what rules I use during my writing consciously and subconscious; it also me look back at past experiences that have shaped my writing process.…
Over the first semester I feel I have been appropriately challenged in the area of writing we have done this year. I learned many new skills, but the most important one involves English and how to write properly. As for the first writing, I really did not understand what was right and what was wrong. Because I never paid close attention to specific rules in how to write. I truly believe it has been hard for me.…
I hated writing essays. I was absolutely horrible. I tried to take classes that had nothing to do with writing regular english class we were required to take. I would wait till the latest I could to type my essays. I felt like I would not get a good grade anyway.…
A struggle for me while attempting to write an essay or report is grammar. Sentence structure, pronouns, and appropriate use of literary devices have always been a huge part in why I do not or can not compose a piece well. Being able to put my ideas and what I would like to say into words or even down on paper has always hurt…
Whenever I inform someone that I am currently taking this course, there is a stale, predictable response I invariably receive. “Why? Did you forget to get your extra language credit?” to which I would swiftly reply, “no, I took it because I want to improve my writing”. I ensured I received the necessary credits in those three special categories a long time ago, by fulfilling the requirement in grade 10.…
I have learned so much great tips throughout these past few weeks of class that has helped me become a better writer. One reason I feel better when I write is because I understand the pre-writing process and how important it is. Prewriting is basically where you jot down all your thoughts and see if the things you wrote down are going to work for what you're writing and doing that helps build a stronger paper. Another thing that has helped me become a better writer is planning. One reason I feel planning has helped me become a better writer is because I learned that that is where you create your topic sentence and the topic sentences are what makes your essay because that's what guides you throughout your entire essay.…
Who doesn’t struggle with writing? I know I always have struggled with writing, for the longest time I didn’t even really understand the differences in sentences, and it is something that’s still confuses me a little bit. To be completely honest I sometimes procrastinate longer than I should when it comes to writing, so I don’t always review the finished product the way I should. Life gets in the way occasionally, and I attempt to convince myself that I have plenty of time to finish they assignment. This particularly gave me problems in high school.…