This feature of the SUB Lounge is the cherry on top of a sundae. One thing I have learned from my first three weeks of college thus far is, my high heels may look adorable, but they aren’t comfortable to walk around campus in. With that said, it’s very nice having the SUB Lounge on campus as a place to go plop down on a squishy couch and give my feet a rest. The entire room is full of couches, seats, and upholstered benches. Not only is there room for me to sit, but also a place for my hefty backpack carrying $200 worth of text books. I could easily go sit on one of the hard benches outside, but then I would have to be prepared to face the weather that awaits me. As a full time student taking 15 credits I absorb a lot of information in each class. In some cases it’s not my body that needs a rest but my mind. It feels so refreshing to just stop focusing for 30 minutes. I look around the SUB Lounge and see my fellow students’ doing just that, using the SUB Lounge as their place to give their mind a break from the labor of processing information. Having all day access to a room full of seats and couches placed there for students to enjoy is wonderful. The SUB Lounge wouldn’t be a “lounge” without its abundance of couches. The SUB Lounge has fewer rules than a library, allowing students to hold conversations with their peers and more. The fact is, the SUB Lounge is a casual environment, unlike a quiet, strict library. A good portion of the time I spot oily Lays potato chips crumbled up on the carpet. Occasionally, I find students
This feature of the SUB Lounge is the cherry on top of a sundae. One thing I have learned from my first three weeks of college thus far is, my high heels may look adorable, but they aren’t comfortable to walk around campus in. With that said, it’s very nice having the SUB Lounge on campus as a place to go plop down on a squishy couch and give my feet a rest. The entire room is full of couches, seats, and upholstered benches. Not only is there room for me to sit, but also a place for my hefty backpack carrying $200 worth of text books. I could easily go sit on one of the hard benches outside, but then I would have to be prepared to face the weather that awaits me. As a full time student taking 15 credits I absorb a lot of information in each class. In some cases it’s not my body that needs a rest but my mind. It feels so refreshing to just stop focusing for 30 minutes. I look around the SUB Lounge and see my fellow students’ doing just that, using the SUB Lounge as their place to give their mind a break from the labor of processing information. Having all day access to a room full of seats and couches placed there for students to enjoy is wonderful. The SUB Lounge wouldn’t be a “lounge” without its abundance of couches. The SUB Lounge has fewer rules than a library, allowing students to hold conversations with their peers and more. The fact is, the SUB Lounge is a casual environment, unlike a quiet, strict library. A good portion of the time I spot oily Lays potato chips crumbled up on the carpet. Occasionally, I find students