The students at Jane Addams were very polite and very respectful to me and the teacher. This experience was very inspirational to me because it showed me how I will be when I become a teacher, and I think I did pretty well on teaching those students math because I got good reviews from the students and the teacher. If I could go back to when I was teaching the fifth-graders when I was in high school, I would do it all over again because I believe I did it all wrong because I wasn’t that confident in myself and I was still getting over being shy in front of
The students at Jane Addams were very polite and very respectful to me and the teacher. This experience was very inspirational to me because it showed me how I will be when I become a teacher, and I think I did pretty well on teaching those students math because I got good reviews from the students and the teacher. If I could go back to when I was teaching the fifth-graders when I was in high school, I would do it all over again because I believe I did it all wrong because I wasn’t that confident in myself and I was still getting over being shy in front of