“Every story has an end, but in life every ending is just a new beginning.” -Dakota Fanning This quote reflects my high school experience because I thought that once I finished middle school it would have been the end of my journey. Of course I was wrong, it was only the beginning.…
The transition from High School can often times be very frustrating for students. L. Lennie Irvin opened my eyes to one of the bad habits I picked up on in High school. The habit of straying from the topic or theme could cause me to fail not only papers in English but my other courses as well. I personally had a hard time with English my first semester of college. In High school I was always at the top of my class and my teachers would tell me how great of a writer I was.…
My years in high school were quite thrilling and adventurous. Starting as a freshman, I had no idea where I was going and what was going to be expected of me. Over the years I became involved with extracurricular activities which led to my primary interest I had developed in technology and the sciences. As a freshman I joined the Students with Future Interests in Technology Club, Spanish Club, and Robotics Club. These clubs stayed with me till I graduated high school and I have loved them ever since I got involved in them.…
Though I am not even half way through my high school career, I feel as if I can still be a help to those who are just beginning. High school is probably the most important part of your life that you are responsible for in our teenage years, so it is important not to mess it up. There are a few concepts that I have figured out by myself that I wished someone would have told me. Those of which include never procrastinate, think about your future, learn how to manage your time, and do not settle for less than your best. My first recommendation is that you don’t procrastinate.…
I have personally grow as an individual since I took my first steps into high school, from only worrying about school to becoming more involved in my community. Academics has always and will always be my number one focus, but it will not be my only focus. My only focus fas a freshman was my grades because I did not think I could handle extracurricular activities while maintaining excellent grades; however, I was wrong. As the end of freshman year approached, I decided to try out for volleyball and expand my knowledge and interests, which have sparked my involvement in other extracurricular activities my junior year, joining student council, National Honor Society, and DECA. Student council has prepared me for real life situations and has taught…
A dilemma that I faced, and still am facing is simply the decision about what I want to do with my life after my high school career. In my freshman year of high school my goal was simply to get through the year in one piece. I was forced to conform to my new environment and all the strict rules that came along with it. Along with that it was the sudden transition from being the "big dogs" as eighth graders at my middle school to being "fresh-meat" in my first year high school. With so much attention placed on me as a freshman like on the varsity basketball team, where I was constantly forced to prove my worth to the coach and the players, to stepping out of my comfort zone and performing in a mandatory play for the rest of the the school as…
For an inspired number of today’s youth, transitioning from high school into some institution of higher learning, such as a college or university, falls among the more profound turning points in their lives; more likely than not, to an extent that has been otherwise unprecedented before now. Regardless of individual circumstances, the fact still stands that college can be a major status quo change for many, if not all incoming students, and with drastically new experiences like these comes a variety of differing emotions felt across the spectrum. This is usually the first instance in which students must have to take charge of themselves in a more direct, forward sense; not only when dealing with the heightening of academic expectations, but…
“I know applying to colleges is the last thing you want to do right now, but you might change your mind,” a trusted friend told me. It was December of my senior year of high school, and college application deadlines were approaching quickly. I was recovering from a major illness at the time, and wasn’t ready to think about college. My plan was to spend a year living at home and working before I pursued higher education. In the following months, my recovery progressed rapidly.…
Track and field has been the highlight of my high school life. The social aspect, the large assortment of events from which to choose, and the people I met are things I will always treasure. I especially loved the fact that there was always a place for everyone. If you weren’t too quick, then discus was your event. If you could build up quick bursts of speed, long and triple jumps suited you.…
High school has been a four-year collection of many downs for me; I have struggled with depression since middle school, and it has followed me into my teenage years. The most difficult part of depression for me is having a lack of energy. I wake up for school at six o’clock in the morning and find it practically impossible to drag myself out of bed, but I know I have to because staying at home all day makes me feel even worse. I go to school with people I’m typically not in the mood to talk to, but I know I have to make conversation with my peers so I don’t come across as rude. I get home from school and all I want to do is sleep, but I know I have to do my homework…
There is a saying in high school, “Those you leave middle school with you most definitely will not leave high school with them.” High school is the place where you build and break friendships. I lost friends when I left middle school and gained some when I came to high school. However, there is a group of girls that I have been friends with since eighth grade. This is the story of how I met a group of strangers in the eighth grade and how they became my best friends.…
All my summers during my High School career, starting my freshmen year in 2011, have usually all been about working, working and working. But most importantly, I’ve always dedicated half of my summers to wrestling camps. Wrestling is a big deal for me and my family. It all started with my god-father wrestling in High School and his brothers. In my culture and religion, your first god parents which are your baptism godparents, are like your second parents.…
Throughout my high school career I have always managed to maintain a balanced schedule between academics, athletics and after school activities from participating in a wide variety of sports and clubs including: soccer, track, volleyball, tennis, theater, forensics, solo ensemble, poetry club and student ambassador club. Through my experiences from these organizations I have realized I have been able to become a better student athlete, public speaker, and classmate among my friends, teachers and community. Joining these particular organizations I did allowed me to become more confident in reaching my goals and in helping others reach theirs. Originally I was never a proficient public speaker or outgoing but after being forced to adapt and become…
One jumping jack, that is all it took to change my entire high school experience. I was in physical education class during the fall of my freshman year when it happened. I lifted my arms up, and when I lowered them I heard a pop, and felt extreme pain in my right shoulder. I went to the school nurse, and they told me that I had dislocated my shoulder. The nurses were not able to put it back in place, and I had to go to Boston Children’s Hospital.…
Everyone changes at least once during their time in high school. Over the last few years, I have been through a variety of challenges. God has blessed me with an amazing four years of learning; not only just in school, but also in life. One can only make so many mistakes before he or she learns from them. I do not have many regrets in my high school career, but I am glad that I was able to learn from them.…