Personal Narrative: Lessons Learned

Improved Essays
Coming to Carleton in September I thought I had a decent grasp on general business know how and how business worked, but after taking this course I have learned how little I knew, and how much there was for me to learn. So far in the course I would say I have learned a ridiculous amount, from business language to the skills you need to have a successful interview. In this memo, I will be covering a number of lessons I have learned, and these fall into three categories. The first being what I learned from the course, mostly what I learned in lectures and doing Learnsmart questions. These lessons have been predominantly the knowledge I have acquired through the professor and the textbook. The second category of lessons was mostly related …show more content…
I found these teachings, particularly striking as I someday hope to own my own business of some sort because I want to be my own boss. The first lesson I learned about running your own business is that you need a great lawyer and accountant. After taking this course and others in this program, I have realized how large a role the lawyers and accountants play in the business world. In the first chapter we read from our textbook about running businesses and in the book it stated the most important things you need when you start a company is a great lawyer and an even better accountant. Another thing I learned in this course about running a business is that you have to be passionate about the field you are working in. To run your own business, I really do believe that you have to love it for it to be a success, because if you don't, you would never give it the amount of time and money that it needed to boom. The last thing I learned about running a business is that I want to own a business that provides services and not goods just due to the nature of the business.

Overall, I have found this not only a very interesting course, but an essential one as well. I think the rest of what I learn in business will somehow be related to something I learned in this course, and without the lessons I have learned I think this program would be shaped much differently. As a whole I learned a ton, and will not be forgetting a bit of it anytime

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