Personal Narrative: Hero's Journey

Superior Essays
Hero’s Journey Narrative

It’s a nice, sunny, and peaceful day in Miami, FL for the Allen family. They woke up and did their daily routine. This family is pretty well known around the neighborhood and they are very important in the science world mostly the dad. The dad’s name is John and his an important iconic figure in the science world because his group and him have been working on a very important formula that could cure many diseases, but john has an enemy that wants to destroy his cure and is willing to do anything to do so. The name of the mom is Amanda and she’s just a stay home mom she does what any ordinary mom would do. Then there’s Max and Jake. Max is the son of the Allen family, he’s an only child, and he’s a good, rich kid. Jake is there
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The police arrives and starts asking question and Amanda starts describing the lady that took max in. The police starts to work on it and the next 72 hours are going to be horrifying. Jake calls his friend who is a computer genius and happens to be in town this weekend and ask him if he can see him to explain what’s going on and to see if he could help. Jake explains everything and Alex his friend is in. Couple hours later Jake calls Alex and Alex tells him “Hey I’m in a sticky situation ha-ha….Uh I got pulled over and they found something “mysterious” so they just brought me into the office ,I’m fine if you need anything just let me know I have access to their computers”. Jake says it’s ok and ask if he can get on one of the computers and look at the city’s cameras to see if he can find the kid. Alex doesn’t find anything, then Jake gives Alex the description of the nurse that took Max. He found a match her name was Jinx she has only 2 arrest but in the same category and he continues to search and see’s that she has worked for this guy named Angelo Rodriguez. Alex gives him the location to an abandoned warehouse in Miami Beach. “Thanks” says

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