My journey of coming to know Christ is like the hero’s journey because I left from my ordinary world to go into a new special world. My ordinary world has been just like most normal teenagers. I grew up in a baptist church, but I lived in sin and didn’t care that I was doing the wrong things, I lived for myself instead of Jesus, and I didn’t care what people said about my decisions in life. The special world is a life where you don’t have to worry about what’s going to happen next, you will always have someone to talk to, and being able to forget all the bad things and focus on the good things. When I gave my life to Christ, I crossed the threshold of living in sin to a life where I don’t have to be ashamed. My journey of becoming a Christian is like Joseph Campbell’s Hero’s Journey because I left the ordinary world into a special world. Next, my life is like the hero’s journey written by Joseph Campbell because I refused to take my call on moving further in my walk with Christ. …show more content…
I was called to adventure when an opportunity came up for me to go to a Christian camp called “Consumed”. I refused to take on that adventure just like one of the steps in Campbell's the Hero’s Journey. I refused this call by telling my parents that the trip was too expensive and that I didn’t want to travel without them because I would miss them too much. I also didn’t care very much about going to Consumed because I didn’t want to hear about Jesus all week. I refused to take my call to adventure to coming to know Christ just like one of the steps in the Hero’s Journey. Lastly, my life is like the Hero’s Journey because I found out my ordeal or what would happen if I wasn’t saved. In Joseph Campbell’s theory “the ordeal” is described as when the hero faces a direct confrontation with his biggest fear and is a major crisis in the hero’s life, but not the climax of the story. My biggest fear is dying and not living in peace. Not living in peace to me is going to hell and facing Satan. I decided to go to camp and there is where I found that my worst fear would come true if I didn’t give my life to Christ or didn’t do what he had called me to do. God calls all people to become one with him and make disciples. At this point I was scared about what would happen next and this