“We should go outside,” Makayla said. We went outside and let the guinea pig’s in the tall green grass and then we sat on the trampoline. There is a small hill at my grandma's house so we walked over to it carrying both of the guinea pigs. When we got there we sat them down on the grass that was covering the hill, then we sat down in the dirt. I got up to go and get some carrots.
When I got back i gave them …show more content…
Tom was chasing Jerry, and when he caught up to him, Jerry would chase Tom. It was like a game of tag for animals. We had to watch them to make sure they didn’t get close to the dogs because, one of the dogs would think they were a toy and the other would think that they were food.
We were walking around the yard Makayla was carrying Jerry and Tom was following her. Then all of the sudden Tom took off running across the yard. He ran right past my dog, she tried to eat him but he outran her. We chased him around for a while and when he got to the gate by the street he stopped.
We tried to sneak up behind him, but he took off running again. We sat on the trampoline and watched him for a little bit and when he stopped he looked at us. I thought he was going to run away, but he ran over to the trampoline instead. I picked him up and brought them inside.
Once we got inside we started laughing. We told my grandma what happened and she started laughing too. Then Makayla said once more “If you love something, let it go. If it comes back It's yours. If it doesn't it never was.” Now I have learned to never leave my guinea pig on the ground unless I’m sitting with him so he won't run away. I will also leave the dogs in next time so they won't chase him off