I arrived at foxfield and went outside to find Smokey, when I was putting his halter on Mrs. Kim asked if I could get Radar to and put him in with May. You have to knew that Radar is a mini and May is a pony. When I was trying to get Radar’s halter. Smokey comes up and nips him. Once I put Radar away I had to get smokey groomed and tacked (which is putting on his saddle and bridle). Once I finished we had to ride in the inside ariena because there was so many puddles. So I tightened his girth and and checked the stirrups and went to the mounting block. Once I got on him I started warming him up by doing a collected walk. Once Mrs. Kim said it was ok I went ahead and did a posting trot.
People were cutting through the arena to bring horses out to their pastures. So the door would have to be open …show more content…
Once I opened my eyes saw Mrs. Kim coming over to me.
She said to me, “are you ok?”
I replied with a simple “Yes.”
Mrs. Kim let me be done for the day and I had to go and start untacking Smokey. Once I finished I ended up staying for a while and I asked Mrs.kim if I could groom a horse and she replied with yes you can groom Sunny.
Once I got Sunny’s halter on I was walking to close the gate and Sunny kept on trying to nip me. I was trying to get him in the grooming stall and Sunny just kept on walking and wouldn’t stop so I hit him and backed him into the grooming stall. Sunny had so much loose hair on him by the time I was done grooming him I had my own coat of hair.
When I finished and put Sunny back I ended up having to groom Shiloh. He’s my favorite horse there, but he has such a swayed back that no one can ride him. One I found him he wouldn’t let me put his halter on so I ended up just grooming him in his stall. We was a really good boy for me but when I was finished he tried to follow me out of his