911 Hero Narrative

Improved Essays
911 Hero

On September 12, 2001, one day after four planes were hijacked by Osama Bin Laden's crew, causing one to go into the pentagon, one to land in a field in Pennsylvania, and two into the tallest buildings in New York City, the Twin Towers. It was all over the news, nothing was open, it was practically like everything shut down that day.

The next day, there was a lot to clean up. There was workers, helpers, adults, police officers, firemen, police dogs, rescue dogs, and a few other different kinds of dogs. At around 1:00, my older sister, Tanika, who was 22, and I went downtown to where the Twin Towers once stood, now there was just piles of concrete, steel, and debris. A lot more things that you would/ wouldn't have expected to have seen. There was this one dog, her name was Zoie, and she was a rescue dog, she also had a twin brother named Hagrid, she would go around looking for anybody still alive or maybe even dead, she was a really good rescue dog. " Would it be ok if we helped clean up?" asked my sister. " Yes, that would help us out a lot," said the worker she was asking.
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One of the dogs, that was a police/ rescue dog, his name was Thor, and he was going near a big pile of metal, and concrete.

I followed him and asked, "Where are you going Thor?" he just barked and kept walking, when we got to the pile, we could see another dog underneath all of that stuff. Thor started barking and I started yelling for one of the police officers or a helper, to come and help us, whenever a police came, we tried helping the dog out. It took four people to lift a piece of metal, because it was so heavy, and large. A little over fifteen minutes, we were able to get the dog out, and save her.

About an hour later, there were bulldozers, big trucks, cranes, and a whole lot more things lifting and moving piece by piece of the Twin Towers. Everyone, that was there, was helping clean up both of the Twin Towers. There was people from all around the world, that came to help clean up. All of the dogs were a big help to, some were walking around trying to find anybody that was still inside of the tower when it fell, and some were therapy dogs, calming the workers, helpers, firemen and the other people.

About thirty minutes later, I heard my sister say calling my name, so I said, "What?" "Come here, I need your help!" she answered. I jogged to see where she was, and she was trying to move a piece of concrete out of the way, I helped her, and we put the piece of concrete in a bigger pile, of glass, concrete, metal, and a whole lot more things that came down whenever the Twin Towers did. After that, I started walking back to some other piles, and a dog started to follow me, her name was Zoie, she was a black and white husky, she has a twin brother named Hagrid, and they are rescue dogs. About two and a half hours later, some people started to come, and others started to leave. Zoie and Hagrid were stray dogs,

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