I bought Michael a new drone because his last one was shot out of the sky by our neighbors. It is a long story. I asked the shopkeeper for some wrapping paper and luckily he had some so I wrapped the present quickly and headed for home as quick as I could. On my way I saw a strange figure dash in front of me. At first I thought it was a dog then I realized the figure was much bigger than a dog. I was too afraid to check what kind of animal it was so I walked home as quick as I could. As I kept walking I felt like I was being watched. I quite walking and I started running. I reached home before the figure that was watching me could catch me. I ran to the Kitchen and placed Michael’s present on the counter top. Then I quickly rushed upstairs to change into something less
I bought Michael a new drone because his last one was shot out of the sky by our neighbors. It is a long story. I asked the shopkeeper for some wrapping paper and luckily he had some so I wrapped the present quickly and headed for home as quick as I could. On my way I saw a strange figure dash in front of me. At first I thought it was a dog then I realized the figure was much bigger than a dog. I was too afraid to check what kind of animal it was so I walked home as quick as I could. As I kept walking I felt like I was being watched. I quite walking and I started running. I reached home before the figure that was watching me could catch me. I ran to the Kitchen and placed Michael’s present on the counter top. Then I quickly rushed upstairs to change into something less