One event could change your entire perspective on life, make you realize what actually happens in the world around us. Before this moment occurred for me I was completely oblivious to life itself. As a child I would never imagine the horrible intentions of people in the community we live among. The innocence amidst me during my childhood made me unaware of what actually goes on in the “real world”. What child would ever imagine such …show more content…
I am now aware of the actions around me and I completely understand how life can change within seconds. Without this night I would still be unaware and ignorant to the society we live in. No one would ever imagine half of the treacherous things that occur within your own culture. Adulthood did not overcome me within this moment but looking back I realize this was when my transformation fully took place.
That night changed me, it made me the mature and knowledgeable person I am today, no longer unaware and ignorant to the things that happen within my own community. For awhile I lived in constant fear I would continuously ask myself what if he comes back? Within time I became a stronger person, I was no longer living in that horrid fear. I soon realized how that experience left behind the clueless little girl and made me a strong willed mature young