Despite its location, Dot’s Donut Shop was about to get famous. It was April 27 in Madison, Indiana. The air was humid on this Thursday morning, making your skin feel like used tape. This run down donut shop was visited only by the same people going to work every morning. Phil worked the morning shift at the donut shop. He made sure everything was in tip top shape and ready to serve customers. Everyone who came often knew Phil and Phil knew them. One particular customer came in the morning of April 27 carrying a briefcase and wearing a dark rain coat. The man revealed a gun and fired.
It was my first day of work after the gunshot. There was buzz around the town after the incident. I worked in the place of Phil after he mysteriously disappeared after the man came to the donut shop. “What would you like to order sir?” The man said, “I’ll just have a small coffee. How come you chose to take the place of a employee who was possibly murdered doing your same position?” “Well, I was looking for a job and this job just happened to open up. …show more content…
“Do you have any idea of why the employee was murdered?”
“I heard theories that Phil was actually not murdered. The police haven’t found his body.”
“Interesting.” The man said. He then took his coffee and left.
Later that day, more and more people started coming into the coffee shop, about one customer a minute. Everyone was asking me these questions about why Phil was murdered. Something told me there was something more to Phil’s murder. Before I knew it, people were piled up in the parking lot waiting.
“Haven’t you heard? Everyone is trying to find Phil.” A woman said.
I haven’t served anything all day. People are just asking information of Phil. John, the cheff at the restaurant said, “What’s with all of these people piled up outside? It’s like there has just been a global shortage of donuts and we are the only shop that has any.”
“How come all of these people are so interested about Phil?” I said.
“I did a little eavesdropping on the conversations between the customers and some say that the supposed murderer made a twitter page about where he has Phil. It has gone viral as you can tell.” A minute later customers were pulling out their phones and leaving. Soon after only two customers remained in the shop. John pulled out his phone and read, ”Donut look at the donut.” The customers outside were gathered around the giant donut on top of the shop. Before we knew it, customers were climbing up the latter on the side of the shop to get a closer look. Someone at the top yelled,” Phil wasn’t murdered!” Scratched out words in the donut said this. A state police car had arrived in the parking lot. A man stepped out with a megaphone and said,”Everyone must leave the perimeter due to a private investigation.” Sighs were heard throughout the crowd and everyone shuffled back to their cars. The police man came up to John and I. “I’ve heard that your donut shop has gone viral. Are you gentlemen getting some pretty good sales?” “Actually no.” I said. “Everyone is just interested about what