Personal Narrative: Belonging Changed My Life

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Up my street passing bodegas as I approach every corner, barbershops, laundromats, and liquor stores. The pungent odor or herbs covered by cheap body mists on the bus ride home.

I kept to myself, omitting all I’d once known, for the possibility of attaining the slightest self recognition of belonging. Everybody had their own personalities, though, everyone seemed to group themselves, separating by who danced, or who was their favorite band , or who had known each other from years before, I was never specifically found in one group. I was caught in an anomalous situation.

I remember hearing it wouldn't happen again, and the second time it was a promise, the third a bouquet of flowers to go along. The first time my mom noticed something,
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Seasons changed and I was changing. Every green in me had began shifting colors. My view on life was changing as well as the importance of things. The thing about these trees is that when winter arrives the leaves disappear, leaving them shapeless, as a commonplace. Filled with resentment, my mind craved to be replenished. That was when finally this season would end, and from my branches, rich emeralds would …show more content…
When the day appeared that we faced each other in a courtroom, my heart was at if it had been opposite end of an anchor. I sat, in a room filled with people who’d now have to witness the pain my body and mind have felt for so long before. I was embarrassed, to have to sit in front of my mother and have people think that she wasn’t ever there for me to tell things to, I was overwhelmed with guilt. My mind spaced out as I listened to the only commands I could recognize, “please stand”. I stood. My knees trembling, my eyes solid to the ground. It was then that I would share the pictures of bruises down my back, legs, and on my nose. Immediately with the slam of a gavel I knew I was free, able to make my own decisions, and better

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