My social identity is begins with my deep family roots in my hometown of Riverview, New Brunswick. My upbringing was centered on my family, I take pride in the fact that I was raised in the same home my father was raised. Staying connected with my small-town family roots has left me humble and modest. Humility is very important for my family, we have created a lot of personal success from our family business Cobb’s Funeral Home and are very thankful to the community of Riverview for supporting us. I am also the first member of my family to attend university. My social identity extends to my student leadership position as a Hall proctor in Aitken house. Studying leadership and chemical engineering have had a huge …show more content…
My social capital includes my participation as a Student Ambassador for the Pond Deshpande Centre where I am able to collaborate with from students across New Brunswick on different entrepreneurial projects. My social capital also encompasses my position as a Hall Proctor in Aitken House, I am responsible to ensure the safety of sixty-three young men and guest within the house. My experiences with these organizations have caused me to realize I have enjoyed a lot of success in my life and it is important to also be thankful for these experiences. Working in these organizations have caused me to despise wastefulness, whether it be wasting time, money, energy or resources.
Finally, my biggest core belief that has had influence over my entire life has been hard work. From my past experiences and struggles, I’ve developed the belief that it is no one’s job except my own to improve my life. As I explored political ideologies and parties, I have found my values align with parties that share my core belief of hard work bringing …show more content…
I wouldn’t describe myself as a true conservative or a true liberal, I would more accurately describe myself as economically conservative: favouring low taxes, and less government intervention in the economy but socially more liberal. While I share the belief of the Conservative Party of Canada “that it is the responsibility of individuals to provide for themselves, their families and their dependents, while recognizing that government must respond to those who require assistance and compassion” (Conservative Party of Canada, p.2, 2013). I do not believe that the Conservative Party does enough to promote immigration or social justice. Socially I favour the policies of the Liberal Party of Canada specifically from their 2015 platform on “expanding Canada’s intake of refugees from Syria by 25,000” (Liberal Party of Canada,