Ever since my trip to El Salvador, I had great anxiety when walking by a older man. Every time my mother would send me to the store to buy some tortilla, I would see a group older man standing in front of the store. I feel all the attention on me and it's not a good one. One sunny afternoon me and my parents just got back from the store. Out of nowhere, I opened up to my parents about the situation that happened in El Salvador.…
For the first time, my brothers and I joined my parents at the hospital. The day I had been hoping for and anticipating had finally come. We entered the hospital and were met by swift moving doctors, beeps of monitors, and intercom announcements. Chemicals filled the air. These did not faze me since I had my mind set on meeting my new sister.…
On October 10th my mother gave birth to me in Baltimore, Maryland. Within the first week of my birth, my parents found out that their healthy baby boy way falling ill. So ill that one night my mother told my father that I needed medical attention. In the middle of the night, my father rushed me and my mother to the emergency room. Thankfully, the doctors took them in quickly for the nurses soon realized that my internal organs were shutting down.…
A.I believe the most challenging aspect of working in protective services would be not letting your career consume you physically and mentally. Knowing that there's such a great need out there and you're not always able to help when you want to,would be the most challenging aspect to me . You wouldn't think that it affects you, but it does. The emotional strain of the job and the desire to want to help everyone can be overwhelming.…
With change, there are always compromises. You lose your sense of familiarity, and find yourself in a sea of strangeness. With every wave, you are hit by the unfamiliar. However, you soon adapt and find that this raging sea has turned into a flowing river, taking you toward your success. Along the path you begin to see things that look familiar, and realize that you are on the same path that you had been before.…
Sometimes I think to myself, “What kind of condition would my parents be in today if I had died from an enormous amount of blood loss?” My grandparents had taken me first to the inquiry office and there I came to know that my mother was in Room 241 on the seventh floor. A ward girl of the hospital guided us to the room. There I found my father sitting with my mother, awake and holding my newly born sister.…
This track season was the best time of my life, but it went by way too fast. I had no clue what any of the events were, but I caught on very fast because I started training with my cousin, He set the High School record for discus and still has it today. We started to work on throwing shot, and I got very good because we would work on my form for hours and because of that I was the best thrower the whole season. If you look at me compared to other throwers, I look very scrawny. I got 1st in most of my meets, but sometimes we would go against this one kid from Washington Middle and he looked like he was on steroids or something, he had a mustache too.…
The past two weeks I have worked at northshore maternity and national womens community midwives. During my week at northshore it was incredibly busy and understaffed. I also remember thinking at times, where has the midwifery gone? We were so busy rushing around trying to provide safe and quality care to the women, but that fact is I feel we were too busy, with too larger case loads to provide true midwifery care. I cared for many day 1-2 sections, women with large blood losses requiring blood transfusions, a secondary PP and there was a woman with confirmed H1N1 on the ward who was unstable – but HDU wouldn’t allow her to be transferred around, and many other complex situations that really challenged my competence, knowledge and practice reasoning.…
I remember when I was five it was my birthday, I was opening presents, when I opened one from my mom and inside was a picture of a turtle, I knew that it meant that I was getting a turtle! I only had my turtle for about four months before it died. Then I remember I was seven I went to disneyland with my mom and dad, I went on a scary ride called the tower of terror. I loved it so much! I have loved scary rides ever since the trip but when we went to mexico we did ziplines across the water, I was terrified, I never knew i was scared of hights.…
I have been through so many experiences that have shaped me into the person I am today. However, there is one experience in particular that moved me in ways I can hardly put into words. My freshman year of high school, I was given the opportunity to join the Klondike FFA Milk Quality Career Development Event team. Studying and competing in this event led me to develop a fighting hunger for winning. Halfway through my first year, I realized that I did not like to lose.…
I could only watch as my parents sent my friends away. I was to practice the piano, not waste my time watching the hummingbirds go by. I was supposed to be a model student, and digging mud holes was apparently unnecessary in achieving that goal. I was, unlike my friends, going to be someone happy. Except I wasn't.…
After a long seven-hour car ride, we were finally here, in the Upper Peninsula. Looking out the window of our truck, I knew it was truly different than the big city I grew up in. Not many kids get to experience what happened to me the summer before my second-grade year, but it definitely changed my life for the better. When we first pulled into our new driveway, I could not believe what I was seeing. I can remember seeing a little farm house with about five horses in our backyard.…
Perched on the raft, I was paddling as hard as I could. Six others and I were traveling down a huge river with plenty of sharp rocks and a strong current. Before I knew it, I had fallen off into the choppy water. I bobbed my soaked head out of the water to see my friends all laughing. I smiled back as I climbed myself back up onto the raft.…
“Spaghetti and hydrogen, what do they have in common?” I always remembered the question my physics teacher raised in first physics class in eighth grade. “From the leaves on the trees to the school bus that drives you here”, he continued, “for every matter in the world, there exist certain underlying rules that shape it into what it is, determine how it functions, and thus make it predictable and understandable.” Identifying his conclusion shapes me into a discerning observer. Ever since, I was spurred by an irresistible desire to find out the “underlying rules” that dominate the kaleidoscopic world.…
was 3 years old and lived at 1345 Burlington Terrace Des Moines, IA 50314 and has most 3 year old I was very gullible. unfortunately I had a bad case of gullible ism, because one day everything went from normal, to me getting rushed to the hospital. A long time ago, on ordinary day, my big brother Jacob was trying to getting me to ride my tricycle down a gargantuas hill, ( Note: example of me getting influenced by my brother, just like how a mouse gets attracted to a piece of cheese not knowing it was walking into a mouse trap. )…