Personal Narrative: A Trip To Denver, Colorado

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Imagine driving five people in one car for 14 hours in one day to reach a destination just to leave in four days to another state. This is exactly what our family did this past summer. We left the great state of Texas to meet our aunt, uncle, and cousins in Denver, Colorado. After that, we left Colorado for Wichita, Kansas. Then, finally, back to home sweet home. These two trips to Colorado and Kansas left lasting memories of new people, great food, and engaging activities. Are they that similar, though?

First, let’s analyze the breathtaking trip to Denver, Colorado. On this trip, I met my Aunt, Uncle, and cousins, went to see many majestic sights, and found new hobbies. We stayed at our Aunt and Uncle’s home, in which, we slept in their basement and play area. One of the first things we did was go to a popular lookout area guided by my mom’s sister and her family. Here, we saw a gorgeous view of the iconic Colorado Mountains. Another activity we took part in, was hiking through one of the many mountain ranges. Once again, we were amazed at its beauty. However, we did not just marvel at the natural beauty, we also went to some fun shops. For example, on a rainy day we took a trip to a local candy and soda pop store. In this new place, we each selected three treats to enjoy. Along with this, we were not always going
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For example, both trips I spent time with my family, met new people, had a great time indoors and outdoors, and marveled at Earth’s natural beauty. However, Colorado provided beauty on the surface, tasty treats, and a closer family. While Kansas was flat, yet surprised me with delectable food and lasting memories. Overall, I can confidently say that these trips were successful in providing a variety of activities that were similar in some areas and very different in

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