Our counselors had to scope out where our campsite was, which they finally found by a exquisite blue lake. It felt so good to empty our packs and stretch.
After waking at midnight to start our summit in order to beat the possible rainstorms, we were off to climb Mt. Massive, the second tallest mountain in Colorado. Climbing rocks with heavy backpacks, crossing rivers,bushwhacking about 3 and a half miles, and dealing with heavy winds that almost blew us over, we finally found the trail! Once in awhile the wind was so bad we had to wait until it stopped. “This is awful!!, I said to my lead counselor.
The view at the summit was absolutely amazing. Amazingly, it felt like we were looking at hundreds of other 14ers that still had snow on them. Soon we had to climb down with the wind blowing like crazy. But, we still had one more mountain to climb, Elbert, the tallest peak in Colorado.
In conclusion, if I put my mind to doing something that I am not comfortable doing and trust myself, I learned I am a brave human being. The feeling of accomplishment I had, makes me excited to climb more mountains or tackle anything new, like making friends and going to a new school. I now know that I can do