The first use of stimulants or substances to further enhance a person's athletic ability was first used in ancient Greece when the Greeks ate mushrooms. Ever since then scientist and athletes have been experimenting with different substances and hormones to get an advantage. The Nazi’s during World War Two “used testosterone in the 1930s and in World War II to increase the strength and aggressiveness of soldiers and similarly found that amphetamines helped overcome fatigue during combat.”(Jost) Ever since then steroids and testosterone have spread to sports until the athletes started to get punished for using these drugs. One being …show more content…
If sports allow athletes to take these drugs than it will be easier than ever to become a professional because you wouldn’t have to put in as near as much work. Allowing professionals to take performance enhancing drugs makes them a bad role model for younger athletes who will then believe that the only way to gain muscle and make it to the pro’s is to take these steroids. Another reason that allowing performance enhancing drugs in sports is a bad idea is because of the long term effects that taking these steroids has on an athlete. It would show that sports don’t care about the long term effect and that they just worry about what happens now as if you’re a product and not a