I’ve always told myself that God put me on this Earth temporarily not for eternity. The purpose of me being on Earth is to explore God’s creations, to experience and learn about them. This idea of exploring God’s creations came to be when I was sixteen years old. When I was sixteen, I had the opportunity to travel to Europe with a group of students from Iowa. This trip would be part of People to People Student Ambassadors. When I came across the opportunity to travel to Europe, I wasn’t going to let it slip away from me. This trip gave me the opportunity to travel to France, Switzerland, Austria, and Italy, over a nineteen day span. I was excited to go see another part of the world; experience a different culture than what I live in. That trip to Europe was the first time I would be thousands of miles away from home and the longest time away from my parents. The trip began in my beloved Paris. Paris was an influential part of my vocation. This city was very vibrant with life, there was so much history every corner you turned. It was incredible finally coming face to face with all the landmarks that I had seen in books and magazines. Sometimes there were moments in the trip where I wanted to pinch myself to check if I wasn’t in a …show more content…
There, we waited a long line to get on two elevators that would take us all the way to the top of the tower. I hate heights, but when I reached the top of the Eiffel Tower my fears went away. At the top, I took a moment to take in the view of Paris and reflected upon what I was experiencing. At that moment, I felt at peace. I felt as though God wanted me to be there and see the world in a different perspective. Each place I visited and each person I met along the way added a new experience that affected my vocation. The trip added traveling to my vocation. For me, I now see traveling as calling in life, as a way of living. To this day, my greatest passion is to travel around the