2.Discuss your process of obtaining the article you read. What was your topic / area of interest? Why did you choose the topic? What key words did you use to find your article? What problems or issues did you run into? Describe how successful your search was or was not. (2 points)
The topic of pathological love is a very interesting topic, I wanted to see it relates to depression. It is an uncontrollable emotion that one can’t control that leads to a lack of self-development. The problem I had with the article is that the article is that the article was extremely repetitive and lengthy.
3.How was the article organized? From the abstract to the references, discuss the overall composition of the article? What sort of headings were used? How were the headings appropriate in terms of the content following? Discuss how the organization of the paper was helpful or hurtful to your understanding of the content. (2 points) In this article, the authors broke this disorder down to a science. They used statistics using a various amount of people to continue the study. They used comparisons of Impulsivity, personality and relationship characteristics of individuals with PL and health individuals. 4.What did you learn reading the introduction / review of literature? …show more content…
What theories / ideas / terms / definitions were addressed that informed you about something you previously did not know? (2 points)
Just from the introduction, I learned the condition of the pathological love is rare study. The investigation of the impulsivity personality is the act without logical thinking of the consequences. The introduction gave me an insight on what the article was going to base of, which is pathological love and some of the causes. It shows how all the experiments all relate to how it makes a relationship unhealthy.
5. What was the point of the article? Said another way, what were the authors investigating, what were they attempting to disprove / confirm/ better understand? What did they find, generally speaking? Do not cut corners for this item. In your own words, summarize the article and the researcher’s findings. (4points
The point of the article is to prove that pathological love is a case of a person that suffers from impulsivity and a high level of self-transcendence that makes a relationship unhealthy. The authors are using evidence to prove their hypothesis. “If a person has a high level of impulsivity and self-transcendence, then they are most likely a pathological lover. ) 6. Describe the statistical test used in the analysis. What were the independent variables and dependent variables? Were the results significant? How did the authors understand (make sense of) the results? (3 points) For this experiment, the love relationship variables were being measured with an adapted relationship assignment scale from the previous extended version the romantic relationship assessment scale. The previous scale was measured being measured on the satisfaction of a romantic relationship that was measured on a love attitude scale. The dependent variable was the romantic relationship scale, and the independent scale was the love attitude scale. 7. Given the results / statistical analysis, what is something specific that you feel you understood well? As well, what is something specific that you feel you did not understand well? (2 points) Based on the information that was provide in the text, people