For a kid like José, he didn’t have a type of family to grow up with. José grew up hanging around local gangs and becoming a serious addict from …show more content…
In the article, “On Punishment and Teen Killers” written by Jennifer Jenkins which starts off by her discussing the death of her youngest sister, who was pregnant, and her husband in 1990. The offender told his friend about his “thrill kill” and how Jenkin’s sister was begging for her life just before he shot her. He is now serving three life sentences and was sentenced a teen killer as an adult to life, this is known as JLWOP (Juvenile Life Without Parole). Jenkin’s made a point on brain developments when she states, “ If brain development were the reason, then teens would kill at roughly the same rates all over the world.” She is explaining on how in the discussion of brain developments among teens as to what reports have been said aren’t really true evidence we don 't see as much teens going on a killing spree. For the teen who murdered Jenkin’s sister and husband, he was a privilege kid who had everything he could possibly need such as his parents helping him whenever he is in trouble, but yet he still become a murderer no matter what. He was not mentally disabled, he was actually an intelligent person. He did have these urges into breaking the law, especially on how he decided to rob a bank but was arrested before once he told his friend his plan. For this individual, he does deserve to be serving time as an adult since he is not stable for being free in