“Mom, dad, what is going on?” His mom turns to her son and puts on a fake smile. “Nothing, everything is alright.” Crooks stares blankly back at his parents before speaking, “I know that everything's not fine. I am not a kid anymore, I should know what is going on! You get like this more often and now I am tired of being left in the dark. Please tell me what is going on. Please.” His parents look at one another, and their worried expressions start to resurface. Crooks mother stares at Crooks, then back at her husband. “I will tell him” she sighed as she is still looking at her husband. “There was a mob of people in the town close to the shoe store your brother owns. Some white men got into a fight with a colored man. A white man ended up pulling out a gun and killed two of the colored men. During this commotion, shops were being broken into, and rampaged. Your brother Charlie’s store got roughed up pretty bad. I am heading down there first thing tomorrow to help out.” Crooks looks up at his mom with huge, tear-stained eyes. “But Ma,” he cried! “It could be dangerous. What if something bad happens?” His mom smiled slightly down at him. “Don’t you worry, I will be fine.” She looks at her husband before talking softly, “I made chicken for dinner; it is on the counter if you want some. I am going to bed to rest for tomorrow.” After she left, Crooks dad looks at …show more content…
Before he even could walk downstairs, his uncle ran up and grabbed Crooks' suitcase, and Crooks' hand before running out of the house. “What is going on?” Crooks asked genuinely confused. Crooks' uncle stayed silent and put $30 in Crooks' pocket. “I want you to go on the next bus heading north, and get off at the eighth stop. From that stop, you would be able to see a ranch off in the distance, head there. Tell a man there that I sent you and they would give you a job,” Crooks' uncle said in a rush. “Why what happened?” Crooks asked. His uncle looked sorrowfully at him before beginning. “Your father was found lynched last night. A mob showed up to his house and hung him. It is said that they are heading in this direction. I have just enough money for you, and to help you out. I am truly sorry right now for you. I am sorry that you lost everything and this may be the hardest thing you can do, but you have to leave now. They are on their way.” Crooks turned to go, but right before, his uncle turned him around and said “Happy birthday,” before heading back towards the