I believe everyone should make an effort to decrease the negative effect we have on the planet and instead work to better it. Following this belief system, I aspire to work this into medicine on an environmental and sociological approach. Specifically, with the aim to reduce hospitals’ ecological imprint as well as my own. Furthermore, health care may be crucial to all but it is available to all equally. The more I take health-related humanities classes, such as Women’s Health, the more I find it pertinent that I help those less fortunate. Along with this, I plan to travel to various developing countries to provide any medical care needed and teach them how best to keep themselves healthy. On my mission trip to Honduras this Spring Break, I will gain experience with this as we talk with school-age children about significant disease preventing strategies. As I get older, I want to continue teaching; in the future, I would like to be a mentor to minority students with the goal of increasing minorities’ and other underserved populations’ acceptance and retention in medical school. Helping others is what I am meant to do and I would love to do that through becoming a
I believe everyone should make an effort to decrease the negative effect we have on the planet and instead work to better it. Following this belief system, I aspire to work this into medicine on an environmental and sociological approach. Specifically, with the aim to reduce hospitals’ ecological imprint as well as my own. Furthermore, health care may be crucial to all but it is available to all equally. The more I take health-related humanities classes, such as Women’s Health, the more I find it pertinent that I help those less fortunate. Along with this, I plan to travel to various developing countries to provide any medical care needed and teach them how best to keep themselves healthy. On my mission trip to Honduras this Spring Break, I will gain experience with this as we talk with school-age children about significant disease preventing strategies. As I get older, I want to continue teaching; in the future, I would like to be a mentor to minority students with the goal of increasing minorities’ and other underserved populations’ acceptance and retention in medical school. Helping others is what I am meant to do and I would love to do that through becoming a