Application of Borrowed Theory to Problem
Urinary tract infection has been a growing concern in the society, especially among the older population. Elderly patients living from their respective residence sought health care assistance due to the discomfort they felt, such as flank pain, or fever, only to find out they acquired a urinary tract infection. In the previous assignment, this writer utilized the Neal theory of home health nursing, a middle-range theory, which defines the practice of a home health nurse, as he/she uses the adaptation process in order to achieve independence (McEwen, 2014). In this paper, she will apply the theory of constructivism, a borrowed theory, to solve urinary tract …show more content…
It was only during the 1900s, Gaston Bachelard, a French philosopher, claimed that “Nothing proceeds from itself. Nothing is given. All is constructed,” while Jean Piaget, a Swiss psychologist, first applied the term “constructivist epistemology.” (Mastin, 2008, para. 4). Jean Piaget, together with John Dewey, an American philosopher, formulated theories of childhood development and education led to the evolution of constructivism. Piaget asserted that individuals learn by constructing one logical idea after another. He also emphasized that the logic and thinking mode of the children are different from the adults (Educational Broadcasting Corporation, 2004). Meanwhile, Dewey believed that schools should not encourage their students to develop habitual memorization of learning. Instead, students should be involved in practical activities, which they would apply their knowledge by showing their creativity and teamwork (UCD Teaching and Learning, n.d.). He highlighted that inquiry is a vital part of the constructivist learning (Educational Broadcasting Corporation, 2004). Although, there were other theorists emerged, who added a new perspective to the constructivist learning theory, the formalization of constructivism was mainly attributed to Piaget (Wills & McEwen, 2014). He underscored that learning is a dynamic process consists of sequential phases of …show more content…
However, this notion does not imply that geriatric patients are not capable of learning (Wills & McEwen, 2014). To promote an effective learning environment, nurses should first identify what are the existing knowledge of the patient about UTI. Then, discuss a new information by explaining the disease process, signs and symptoms, laboratory exams, treatments, and complications in a manner that is simple and easy to understand. The discussion is best achieved, when it is combined with providing instructional materials about the disease process and management, such as video clips, brochures, and posters; encouraging to ask questions and to provide feedbacks about the discussion; and conducting simulations about handwashing and perineal care. Furthermore, nurses should consider that elderly patient tend to be emotionally attached to their own knowledge and beliefs. In this situation, explaining the relevance of the teachings provided allows to understand why and how to use the new knowledge