Piaget's Theory Of Learning Essay

Improved Essays
A Learning theory is a framework describing how information is processed and absorbed by our minds. Behavioural, personal and environmental factors, as well as previous experiences, all play a part in our understanding. They explain how different factors can help learners process and recall information, suggesting that as we learn we also change the way we perceive our surroundings and the way we interact with others.
A definition by Kimble (1961) is that “Learning refers to a more or less permanent change in behaviour which occurs as a result of practice”, suggesting learning will almost always be permanent. It also suggests that learning is a result of practising and repeating something over. This theory is cognitive learning. This theory primarily focuses on behaviours acquired from others, building on their own experiences and knowledge already gained. For a student to learn from another person’s experience, they need to attach it to their own past experiences with similar determinants.
Piaget was a major influence on cognitive learning theory. His theory is based on five important aspects surrounding children’s learning and development (see appendix 1). He focuses on a child’s intellectual development and created his own word ‘schemas’ (see appendix 2). Piaget suggested that a child acts their own environment “the (child’s) Solo mind taking
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Another example of spiral learning is the process of learning to read. In schools, the learners are given a set of words to learn, then once they are mastered, another set are added and the child has to learn the new but keep repeating the old so they have an embedded recognition of them. Also in mathematics, child starting with basic addition and subtraction which gets more difficult by adding more numbers in the sum, then once mastered, algebra is

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