14, Soon to be 15.
United Kingdom.
Do you have a good quality mic?:
Yes, i've got a clear mic with no background noise.(Razer Seiren)
Do you have Telegram & Teamspeak?:
I have Teamspeak and I can download Telegram if needed.
How many hours can you put in the server per week:
[Monday]// 2-4 Hours
[Tuesday]//3-4 Hours
Any previous punishments on Faithful?:
Only a mute which was resolved in Teamspeak after.
Any past experiences in being a staff member:
Yes I've had a couple past staff experiences..
[1]: Dwarfcraft, This was my first ever staff experience, I was global admin as it was a small server I started with …show more content…
One time on a server which is now shut down (shadycraft) I managed to find a VAPE client which was very well hidden. As I'm ss'ing a player I will not breach their privacy and only go into files and locations that are necessary to go through to find anything the players might be using and i will remain calm throughout the whole process of finding anything suspicious within the player's files. And although I'm not the best at screen sharing, I believe I could use my time as a Faithful staff member to become better at screen sharing and eliminating hackers.
[3] I would also like to improve the server's player base and increase my reputation as I go, I'm not racist in any way, I hate racism within Minecraft servers and will do my best to get rid of any racism or toxicity. I'm also currently striving to be staff on Faithful as it's my favorite server and I play it whenever I've got time to. I'm not extremely active on forums at the moment but I'm gradually becoming more active, replying to other applications, looking at new ideas and I will be on when I can if I'm accepted as a member of the staff team, as I'm trying to become a much better player/staff