Noble Cause Corruption Analysis

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Noble cause corruption of policing, questions officer’s personal feelings of obligations and commitment to perform their job well, to that of justifying unethical acts such as lying as planting evidence. Noble cause corruption in policing is defined as corruption committed in the name of good ends, corruption that happens when police officers care too much about their work (Noble Cause Corruption , 2010). Noble cause corruption can be related to that of egoistic corruption for pecuniary gain as they both involve going above and beyond for personal gain.
One can justify Noble cause corruption by saying it’s a police officers dedication to their job that made them do whatever they had to do, in order to apprehend, or convict a suspect, however, I feel that when a police offer uses such extreme measure as this, it may be a indicator of a possible mental problem or possible biases. Upholding the oaths that public servants swear upon, and taking one’s job to the extreme are very different concepts. While officers may want to see justice prevail, they also have to maintain that expected level of higher morality (Pollock, 2014) even if it is for a good cause.
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As a citizen who has never served as a police officer, I think it would be almost impossible to reduce this type of corruption, as I don’t think it is as obvious as other forms of corruption. In addition, a chief would have to constantly be present to ensure this type of behavior doesn’t occur. Honestly I have never heard of an over abundance of cases where officers have used such measures in the name of the law. Perhaps there were incidents where officers planted evidence on suspects but typically it was not done with ensuring that justice prevailed, but more so to cover personal acts of corruption, or for pecuniary gain such as higher convictions lead to

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