Identifying that there is no real distinction between …show more content…
As this political pull called for harsher penalties has further divided Americans Tonry ends with a means to rectify the outcome. The public and the pol are not receiving the facts, either little statistical data and even less of it making its way to common lay person in ways they can better understand political rhetoric, this misuse of information along with a divide between political parties further convince the public into believing something that might actually differ from their real belief as chapter five article from Daniel Mears discuses. One might find that in the argument made by the Commission under President Bush determined that “Treatment works” fits better with public opinion than we are made to believe, as mentioned in Mears research, policy makers had little faith that the public would support the idea of treatment, studies (while minuscule) show the opposite is true, the job now is how to get more studies done and really that to the public in ways they can understand and take as …show more content…
These strategies consist of invoking police legitimacy through encouraging support and cooperation by the public they serve. Compliance and legitimacy are both identified as a core importance in order for police to establish relationships with the public.
It is much easier for officers to perform their duties when members of the community are willing to comply with the law voluntarily. Studies show that most people understand the need for laws and are more willing to comply when officers do not over step their use of authority. This display of respect and fairness by law enforcement should build up citizen compliance, making it easier for officers to gain respect of the public and a willingness to comply with their orders (Cole, & Gertz, 2013).
However, in order for an officer to obtain this connection with the public, he/she must be seen as legitimate. This idea of an officer authentic nature being more conducive to society than abusive of authority by strict force or commands, dates back to Weber’s work. It is a pivotal factor because in order get people to want to comply and internalize a desire to abide by social norms they must feel as though the officers are legit and fair in their treatment of those they serve. This is said to be a key component in several studies and a way to build support and