In regards to the case study I strongly believe that the protesters should not be deported nor should there be an option of deportation. They were engaging in a peaceful protest and voicing their opinion on a strong issue that needs to be addressed in America. Protesting “against a ban on illegal immigrants attending some Georgia colleges” (Burns, p.12) is an issue that I would support. Not just in Georgia but in other states as well. The protesters should have the right to assemble and speak on their thoughts of such ban. They were not violent in any way and with the …show more content…
It was a just cause that this group of individuals were fighting for. Everyone, including citizens or illegal immigrants should have the right to an education; whether it is public education or paying to go to college. I feel that the public would agree that the arrestees should not be deported for such a minor incident. The main focus of the ICE agency should be deporting illegal immigrants involved in violent crimes. These arrestees are fighting for education which shows they want other illegal immigrants to be successful just like everyone