Pros And Cons Of Immigrant Detention

Superior Essays
All over the United States, Immigrant detention locks up hundreds of thousands of immigrants every year. Like prison mates, each wall carefully designed to hold one back from their freedom. These immigrant detention is where thousands of illegal individuals awaits a ruling of deportation or not. These includes the thousands of Central Americans families seeking asylum. Asylum is the legal protection afforded by the United States government to a person who can demonstrate a fear of persecution based on race, religion, nationality, or, political opinion. Thousands of immigrants seeking protection in the United States have spent months in detention waiting for the government to determine whether they may have legitimate cases. These immigrant …show more content…
Detention centers can feel like a prisons, which can be very depressing and stressful. Immigration Detention centers living conditions are difficult, personal belongings are taken away. Immigrants are taken away from their homes, job, local stores, and are taken handcuff to the detention centers, and in one blink of an eye their life and their families’ life changes tremendously. They wear jumpsuits uniforms, and are kept in large room with other detainees. Also, every year there is an increase of sexual abuse and physical abuse reports in immigration detentions. Families are separated, and kids are sometimes even in immigration detention without their parent or any adult figure. This immigrant detention is meant to increase public safety and “make this country a better place” as most people for immigrant detention tend to think, but they don’t realize the negative effect to the …show more content…
Thousands of families from Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, are fleeing the violence. The violence in these countries are not going down anytime soon, and gangs are expanding their recruitment. "Gangs have increased their recruitment. They 're telling families they want their kids to join the gangs; there 's no option. They join the gang; if they don 't, the family gets killed along with the kids.” (Gonzalez, 2015) Many Central Americans fleeing their country are patrol into the country and detained in detention center until an asylum hearing. Most of these immigrants, never get the chance for asylum, and don’t have the right of an attorney from the government to fight their case. These refugees are held in detention centers for months and even years, until ruling of their case is investigated. After detention, refugees are prosecuted for crossing the border illegally, and after their sentence these refugees are deported back to their country. Every year, more and more kids are crossing the border unaccompanied and these kids are seeking for better opportunity that the “American dream” offers. Once they are caught by patrols they are thrown back to the danger. No children with or without an accompanying adult, should be forced to live in detention facilities. Immigration detention should be used for immigrants that pose a real threat to the public, those who have

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