Rhetorical Analysis Of 'The Importance Of Education In High School'

Superior Essays
Many students nowadays are going to college and frankly don’t belong there. Nichols has a rhetorical strategy that was effectively drawn to assist in various paragraphs. Nichols argues about attendance and tuition being the lone ground for high school diplomas instead of teaching. Being in high school, they tell you that everyone has to go to college and to go to the big schools. “Young people who might have done better in a trade sign up for college without a lot of thought given to how to graduate, or what they'll do when it all ends. Four years turns into five, and increased six or more” (pg. 74) Nichols argues. He is saying that not everyone has to go to a five star college with everything in the school. He uses emotional appeal to further his argument when he discusses education being like “intellectual junk food, with very little adult supervision” (pg. 74). Nichols uses rhetorical strategy to say they're “helicopter parenting” was ruining a generation of children. (pg. 79) It is effective because he uses strategic quotation from other sources and illustrates cause and effect. A former dean of Stanford wrote a book about these parents because of the problems she had with the first-year students. This demonstrates his strategic …show more content…
Even though Nichols doesn't talk about it right away, he makes out a good task of handing over resources to support the grade inflation argument through. I think it’s a rhetorical strategy because of the resources he presents quotes from a book titled The State of the American Mind by Richard Arum. He also presents many instances of other books about grades, for example, Nichols explain “This, a Rampell correctly noted, means that the default grade is no longer the “gentleman’s C” of the 1950’s, but a “gentleman’s A,” now bestowed more as an entitlement for course completion that as a reward for excellence.” Which is taken from another source (pg.

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