Neveah Case Study

Decent Essays
Circumstance: Ms. Smalls (MHP) made face to face contact with Ms. Clemmons (MHS) and Neveah at the home.
Action: MHP introduced herself to MHS and Neveah. MHP and MHS review additional services needed for Neveah. MHP and MHS discuss MHS concerns about school and Neveah behaviors. MHP and MHS review the DSS referral, medication logs, and daily service notes. MHP answered MHP questions and email Neveah’s DSS worker for additional information. MHP and MHS spoke to Neveah’s GAL about scheduling a visit and process on enrolling Neveah in school. MHP redirected Neveah’s attention seeking behaviors and model ways for MHS to redirect the attention seeking behaviors in a positive manner. MHS provide an insight of Neveah behaviors over the weekend.

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