• Kayla’s foster mother was in a good mood and Kayla was having a snack with the QP arrived.
• Kayla’s foster mother listened as the QP informed her of the members of the IIH team which are the TL as the therapist, QP which teaches the Kayla coping skills and work with her on reducing negative behaviors, and the other QP which services as the case manager.
• Kayla’s foster mother shared Kayla and her brother has a strain relationship because Kayla does not like for someone to praise her brother and not her which causes a lot of issues in addition Kayla and her brother cannot be left alone with adult supervision because they often fight.
• Kayla’s foster mother commented Kayla is a social …show more content…
Bell-Davis followed up with the QP about setting a time to sign the PCP because she was going on vacation the next week.
• Mrs. Bell-Davis shared the QP can contact her by phone and by email; however, if she is not responding social workers in her unit can be contact and sign documentation as well.
• Mrs. Bell-Davis reported the Kayla and her brother were removed from the home due to safety concerns because their mother had an emotional meltdown; however, reunification is the goal.
• Mrs. Bell-Davis stated the children are in foster care within CPS; however, their mother does not require in home CPS service because she has employment and a place to live.
• Mrs. Bell-Davis commented she would like IIH staff to be involved with Kayla’s mother to provide her with skills and strategies from treatment since the children will be reuniting with their mother in this year.
• Mrs. Bell-Davis acknowledged Kayla and her brother receive supervision visits with their mother every 2-weeks for an hour, but when she has 3 negative drug screenings she can take the children for unsupervised visits plus overnight visits.
• Mrs. Bell-Davis informed the QP she does not know the exact date the children will return home, but she believes they have a court date in July and August then the kids will be