Negative Effects Of Technology On Youth

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We live in a generation where smartphones are at our fingertips, and we have technology such as iPads, laptops, tablets right at our fingertips. It is like the air we breathe, and the water we drink.It is always there; that is why human beings cannot live without technology, especially among the young generation. Sure technology can have some negative effects on youth; but the amount of benefits and advantages has a lot more positive, when it comes to the growth of technology that will later help youth to focus on life to benefit the development of their social skills, building learning skills and accessing information easily. We need to prepare the children now before technology takes over and we become outsmarted by them.
Technology comes
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This can happen because of how realistic the world looks through a screen. Technology allows children to communicate all around the world by playing variety of games that allows people to bond. This results in an exchange of views on various subjects from all across the world. Therefore, it leads to a global exchange of knowledge and shared information (Dimitrova, 2006). Technology has offered youth with the opportunity to voice their opinions on a different social issue which allows us to share information with other (Dimitrova, 2006). Through online documentaries, articles and e-journals the youth are able to learn in a more independent way. Granic and Lobel (1967) mentioned that “the most essential distinguishing feature of video games is that they are interactive; players cannot passively surrender to a game’s storyline. Instead, video games are designed for players to actively engage with their systems and for these systems to, in turn, react to players’ agentive behaviors. These games can be played; cooperatively, competitively, alone, with other physical present players or thousands of other online players” (Granic and Lobel, 1967). In other words, video games are beneficial, because are when playing video games like FIFA, call of duty, and Gamezer it allows us to talk to people all over the world (Granic and Lobel, …show more content…
For example, Haythornthwaite (2008) says “I interact with my students more frequently, dropping into asynchronous discussions daily for half hour or an hour. With my traditional classes I might see them once a week for three hours. If there 's a news article I want my online students to read, I can post it and discussion can begin right away" (Haythornthwaite, 2008). The United Kingdom centre for legal education explains Asynchronous discussion as allows multiple people to engage with each other at one time just by being connected online (Boardman, 2006). In other words, this gives students an opportunity to ask teachers questions without feeling scared or nervous just from their finger

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