Technology is a key element in our society and it is here to stay. Preconceived notions have been made about whether or not our pop culture may act as a hindrance in our world. One of the most positive points that can be made by this was through the use of kids playing video games. Children playing video games acquire important skills such as academic success, decision-making and creativity.
Video games, although they were fun, weren’t necessarily used for either algebra or English. Video games today aren’t like they were back in the late 90’s. The market out there today is dominated mainly by first-person shooting games. Because of the violent video games like Call of Duty, video gaming has got a bad name …show more content…
I say, “Look deeper than it just being a violent game.” There is meaning to violent games like Call of Duty. I think it’s best that we stay with our current status of video games. While playing these types of games you achieve a better level of academic success, improved motor skills and a quicker decision-making time. working memory. I’m able to temporarily store and manage the information that I receive. Also I have much more of an imagination while I’m in the classroom. Children play was at an all time high thanks to them being introduced to these types of games when they were younger.
George Will was wrong in saying that having video games is making our society more “stupid/infantilized.” Our parent’s brains are misconstrued, often getting caught up in the hasty generalizations associated with video gaming rather than just the facts. I say, “Look deeper than it just being a violent game.” There is meaning to violent games like Call of Duty. I think it’s best that we stay with our current status of video games. While playing these types of games you achieve a better level of academic success, improved motor skills and a quicker decision-making