I believe this can be defined as the act of guiding an individual or group in the right direction in the efforts of achieving a common goal. I have always believed myself to be a fairly good leader, in and out of school. I have three younger siblings and I have been teaching and guiding them ever since I can remember. This year in volleyball, I have become a leader more than ever before, and the amount of leadership I display in this sport is only going to continue to increase. I like to take control and be a leader on the court, helping my freshman teammates especially. Coming from Junior High volleyball to Junior Varsity and Varsity is a major step up. There are many new techniques and rotations to learn, and it is often very confusing for the younger girls. I have tried my very hardest this year to be patient with them and direct them to their correct position on the court and give them advice to help them improve. I have not yet held a captain position for the team, as those roles are given to the seniors first and foremost, but it is a goal of mine to be one my senior year or sooner. I also plan to run for office in other clubs that I am a member of, or join in the future. I have run for the office of class president twice with the hopeful ambition that I would be able to lead my whole class, but was beaten by my opponent each time. I am generally a good leader in the classroom as well, by helping my peers and by setting a good example by participating …show more content…
There are endless answers to this question. I believe, however, that one with good character must be composed of a few main characteristics. Responsibility is a must-have of any good character; one must know and do what is expected of them without having to be told so. I believe that I am a very responsible person. My academics are my number one priority. I always complete my assignments and projects as soon as I get them and to the best of my ability. I presume that I learned the true meaning of responsibility when I was a young child and I lived on a farm. I was expected to get up early every morning before school to feed and take care of our horses, pigs, cows, dog, and chickens. I did this everyday rain or shine without