Nate Saint was born on August 30, 1923, grew up in Philadelphia P.A. and his parent’s names were Lawrence and Katherine Saint. He and his siblings were curious children and their mother felt it would benefit them to try new things. She even let them sleep on the roof and had a fence built. When sledding, he cut his leg and a week …show more content…
Finally on January 3, 1956, the missionaries landed and set up camp a few kilometers the Aucas. After landing on the Auca territory, the five men decided to build a tree house. There they could sleep safely. The next day they invited some of the Auca people to visit. Patient ally, the men waited three days for anyone to show up. Eventually, two women and a man came and spent a day with the mission-aries. The Aucas left and didn't show up for a few days. While they were gone, the Auca man lied about the missionaries and said that they attacked the three Aucas. Soon the Aucas grew hateful towards the missionaries after hearing what the Auca man had proclaimed.