Childhood and Education Dred Scott was a slave and his life was very different from other white kids. His birthday is unknown, because he was a slave and nobody cared about slaves birthdates. He was born in South Hampton County Virginia, his parents were slaves too so their names are unknown. When Dred Scott was born his brother had already died and his name was Dred. Dred Scott’s real name was Sam. He was called Sam then he moved with the blow family when he was about eighteen years old. The blows had three daughters four sons and six slaves. Blow wanted to do something other than farming he ran a hotel it was not very successful. His wife died a year after that, a slave was sold, the next year his own health began to fail and he soon died. Another slave was sold around that time, Dred Scott was sold to Dr. John Emerson in Illinois which was a no slave/free state. He also had no education because he was a slave and slaves didn’t go to school, slaves were used to work and do chores kinda like mades, but not being paid and he coulden’t quit.
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They said no, but Emerson was dead and then Emerson’s wife sold Dred Scott to Henry Blow and Henry Blow and let him and his family free. Dred Scott had one main goal for life and that is to be free and not a slave, and it came true just with courage and determination, because he tried and didn’t give