Narrative Essay On Abigale

Superior Essays
Over the next few days, Abigale tried to stay away from any type of social media. In fact, she tried to stay away from doing anything out of the ordinary. She woke up, got ready for school, went to school, came back home, and locked herself in her room. She did not stray from that schedule at all, for fear of what could occur if she did. The messages she’d received from DarkHeart434 a few nights before scared her. She didn’t know what was going on, and she didn’t know if she was safe.

It was becoming increasingly difficult for her to sleep at night. Abigale found herself staying up until six in the morning. After sleeping for an hour, she’d have to get up to get ready for school. One hour of sleep a night was certainly taking a toll on her, and by Friday, she could barely get out of bed by seven-thirty.
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She stopped by her locker first to grab her binder and math textbook. As she reached for her binder, however, a small wad of paper fell out of her locker. Abigale froze, looking down at the paper with suspicion and fear. So far, she’d been given one note on paper and been sent one online. Was DarkHeart434 retreating to their first means of communication?

Abigale’s eyes flicked up to her open locker. There wasn’t anything else out of the ordinary that was visible, such as a rose. This relaxed Abigale a little. Maybe it wasn’t another note from them after all?

As the bell signalling the start of class rang out, Abigale reached down to collect the paper from the floor. She carefully unfolded it, her fingers fumbling with the edges of the paper. She then smoothed the creases of the paper on her locker door. As she looked at its contents, her shoulders drooped. The panicked feeling she felt in the back of her head subsided, and a small smile crossed her

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