English 12th
True To Self
I was 15 years old, it was June and it’s hot, and very humid.It was a very beautiful sunny day, and I remember my mother picking me up from football workouts and I remember her crying and saying that she just served with divorce papers. She was crying and very emotional it was like she didn’t know what to do at that point of her life. I was actually tearing up and realize that this is not a dream. We thought that it was the end of the world for us to but God had made a way in my life and does things for reasons, but for a couple of months I felt empty and one part of me was saying “where is your hope”. When my parents split …show more content…
My father lost his job my mother was struggling to take care of me. Some nights I use to roll up in a ball and started to cry and asking God what did I do to deserve this and why am I going through this why can't I have a happy life like everyone else. I always remained humble and people use to ask my mother have Kvon ever cause you problems when you and his Father split up and she said no he doesn't because normally when teenagers go through things they tend to do drugs and get into trouble and party but not me. I never did those things playing sports is my escape from everything that is going on in my life. I'm happy I am the person I am today and i'm kinda happy that I went from wealthy to average because i'm not stuck up or stubborn are looking at people because they don’t have the things I have. When my parents hit rock bottom and started to struggle they fought through it because it doesn't always rain everyday everyone has their season to prosper. I remember my pastor used to always preach about how you have to have faith as a size of a mustard seed and when it does grow and prosper it will become larger, and that stuck to me and I thought about it and always asking myself what does he mean by that and I finally understand what he means by that it means don't ever run out of faith no matter what your going through it can only last for …show more content…
My grandmother took me in and started to take care of me my weight started to go up I was happy because everything that I was going through at the time started to go away I was happy for once in my life. When I moved to my grandmother, I started to pray every night and ever since then I started to get closer to God than I ever did before. I use to love how I went to school and acted lie nothing was going on in my life and smile like there is no tomorrow. I use to love how people my age says there are going through tough things so they decide to do bad things. For me it was different because I never had the desire to do things to put my life in jeopardy because I found other things to occupy my time, when people say that they are doing things to themselves, and making bad decisions because they have so much going on in their life. For those who use that as an excuse means they choose to make those decisions because no matter what you go through in life makes you choose those decisions I mean, look at me, I'm a prime example of someone that is going through a lot and continue to stay on the right