This lesson demonstrates my development as a teacher not only throughout this semester but also throughout my entire teaching career. This lesson specifically targeted Standard 3: Learning Environments because I had the students working in groups to practice their group work expectations. This ensures a positive, safe environment for all students. I also targeted this standard by closing the lesson with a problem to solve independently. By working collaboratively and gradually releasing to work independently, students are engaged and self-motivated learners. While I was planning this lesson, I specifically thought about ways to ensure the students would be engaged and self-motivated. Since I have a diverse classroom of learning needs, I had to plan instruction that would support each and every student (Standard 7). In order to do this, I intentionally placed students in groups that would challenge them in a way that encouraged them to reach their full potential without allowing them to shut down and give up out of frustration. I also used group work, such as reading the problem aloud together, to help differentiate. Allowing think time also helped students gather their thoughts before collaborating as a group. I also made sure to provide an extra challenge for students that had already met the learning goal. Giving students the autonomy to choose between a more or less difficult problem helps them succeed by not holding certain students back or pushing others too far …show more content…
This was 61% of the class meeting the goal by receiving a level three. 26% of the class met the goal, so six were at the level two. Finally, three students need work, so they made up the 13% of the class receiving a level one. Two of these three students started the lesson at a level two, but digressed to a level one. Overall, 87% of the class were at least at the level that meets the goal. This means they still have room for improvement, but they are on the right path to reaching 100% of the class meeting this goal. Based on their behavior and willingness to learn, I think this is definitely achievable by the end of the