Richa Lodhi
MGT 6503
December 5, 2017
Table of Contents
1) Introduction-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3
2) Leadership Style---------------------------------------------------------------------------------3
3) References --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7
In the beginning of the twentieth century, it was believed that some people are born to lead. For example, Napolean, Julius Ceaser and Joan of Arc were believed to be born with the leadership qualities. The theory that some individuals are natural leaders is known as the “great person theory” of leadership. Later it was found that all leaders have two things in common. Firstly, all leaders have some common traits like educational, demographic, physical, and intellectual. Secondly, leaders are proactive in nature. They are rarely passive. Leadership is a working relationship that …show more content…
My score on the personal support is 7 which shows that I am more likely to engage in behaviors that enhance someone else’s feelings of personal worth and importance. My score on goal emphasis is 7 which shows that I am more likely to engage in behaviors that stimulate an enthusiasm for meeting the group’s goal or achieving excellent performance, my score on work facilitation is 7. This indicates that I am more likely to engage in behaviors that help achieve goal attainment by such activities as scheduling, coordinating, planning, and by providing resources such as tools. materials, and technical