Narrative Essay On My Literacy Journey

Improved Essays
Literacy Journey
Like most people, my literacy journey started at a very young age, but at the age of twelve I had to start all over again. I had never thought of my literacy journey until now, and I figured that I actually have two literacy journeys. I was born in Aguascalientes, Mexico, but my family and I lived at Mexico City. At a very young age, when I was around three years old, my big brother was already attending pre-k and I remember accompanying my mom every school day to drop my brother off at school, and begging her to let me stay in school with him. One day, my mom and I took my brother to school, just like any other day, but as soon as she was distracted I went running inside the school, directly to the office, without her noticing
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Then the time to learn how to write came but it wasn’t as fun. I was asked to do an entire page repeating the same letter, but the worst part of all is that if my mom did not liked my handwriting she would erase what I had and made redo it, even if I finished the hole page, she would erase it anyway. For the reading part was not so different, my mom would always be there to correct me and encourage me to try harder to learn. I remember walking through the streets and my mom asking me what every sign said and if I read something wrong we would stop and she would tell me to read it again. Long story short, I continued my literacy journey at Mexico City all the way to sixth grade. I was doing pretty good at school, I had straight A’s but then my dad got a letter saying that we were given the opportunity to become U.S. …show more content…
I still had not completely dominated English but I got my ESL class taken away. I figured that I was not the only one that was scared of being a High School freshman which increased my confidence a little, but it all changed when I met my English teacher. His name was Mr. Gordon and he was a College English teacher that used to teach at the University of Central Oklahoma and it was his first year as a High School freshman English teacher. He was very strict and his expectations were set way too high for his students. He would frequently get frustrated because the immature of freshmen students. Mr. Gordon required us to do more essays than any other freshmen class. Around half of the class failed but I would always pay attention to the class instead of being the typical freshman. That year has been the hardest one out of my literacy journey so far but it made me figure that even though literacy was getting harder, it was just a matter of hard work in order to improve. Since I am starting a new phase in life as a college student, my literacy journey is not over yet. Moreover, it is interesting to see how my literacy journey went from learning how to read and write in Spanish in pre-k, and then having to learn a completely new language which meant having to start a new literacy journey and getting through high school by improving my literacy.

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