Art has been a great way of expressing one self for centuries. I’m not trying to sound crazy here, but expressing myself through different characters is really satisfying-- characters I have little to nothing in common with, yet the feelings remain feelings. For instance, I might not have something in common with the character, but the feeling of anger, betrayal, sadness-- those feelings I recognize in me and can let them out through a character. This is something I find very beautiful. Additionally, having a career in acting would be like being paid for play. Not that acting is easy because it isn’t, but it’s so exciting and interesting that it wouldn’t feel like a routine kind of job. Every day would be different, and everyday I would learn something …show more content…
My love for movies started ever since I was a little girl. My dad would always bring a movie when he came back from grocery shopping. He would shout, “Movie time!”, and I would rush to the living room while my dad started the popcorn. As I grew up, movies were something I would use when reality became annoying and needed a little break. Moreover, creating is really important for me and my sanity. I remember begging my mom to buy me a camera when I was about 9, She had one of her own but it recorded on a cassette. Whenever my friends would stay over I would create short films with them. It was so much fun. Just the thought that anything I filmed had never been filmed before ,and now was kept forever in a cassette. In essence, movies and creating are something I hold very close and therefore cinematography is a career I think about a